Tuesday, August 22, 2006


This is my first effort for Illustration Friday . . . I was inspired to start doing this exercise by Claudine Hellmuth www.collageartist.com I have followed her blog for the last few months and last week I took two workshops from her at Art Unraveled. She is such a bundle of inspiration and energy - I really enjoyed spending two days with her. THANK YOU Claudine - you are a real life doll! Good luck on your taping tomorrow.

Now it is nose to the grindstone start working on new patterns in earnest because here I am just like always sort of behind the eight ball! YIKES - quilt market is only nine weeks away!

All the best, Renée


Sweet Petunia said...

Oh...this is very nice. I love the crackled paint effect.


claudine hellmuth said...


hey sweetie! So excited you have a blog!! yay!!