Petals & Feathers No 153 - one of the new patterns for little wall appliqués - it would be quite a stretch to call them quilts! LOL so for the lack of anything better I think "wall appliqués" is a good description. Two are 8" x 10" and the flower pot is 9" x 11". They were sooooo much fun to stitch - I love handwork - stitching little projects like this. Easy to take a long or to work on in front of the TV. I will do a little quilting on them then finish with binding. They would also be nice in frames or could be used for a journal cover. I hope you like them too. They were made with the new Chocolat fabrics from Moda.
Several people have emailed me asking about the "quick wash" I noted in my last post for the Pinwheel quilt (now named Pieced Pinwheels No 151) - so here is a little more on that.
I haven't prewashed my quilt fabrics for years since I always use quilt shop high quality fabrics. My favorite batting is Mountain Mist Blue Ribbon Cotton Batting - a perfect thin batting for my small quilts. I wash my little quilts in the washing machine (warm water/cool rinse/shortest gentle cycle) when they are finished - quilted with binding. I dry them with air only for a few minutes and lay them flat on the carpet in a spare bedroom to finish drying. If there is any concern about a fabric bleeding I test that fabric in a cup of hot water to see if any dye shows up in the water. The fabrics I used for Pieced Pinwheels are from Baum Textiles Farmhouse Blues.
xoxx, Renée