Foldover Bag
This is the pattern cover for my new handbag. I decided to make up a new word to use for the title - FOLDOVER - seemed to describe it perfectly! Fold Over didn't look very good on the cover - maybe I should submit it to Webster. This long quiet spell (no blog posts) is due to writing the directions/insides for all four new patterns . . . usually I refer to this as working on "the dreaded insides" - perhaps that is because it always seems to be at last minute before quilt market. DEADLINES! who needs them? It is so easy to get distracted with other fun things - sewing, painting, creating collages, shopping - bet you can think of lots of things too! It's late here 11:30 pm but back to writing - ICK!
xoxx, Renée
I love the bag!
I saw these bags made up in a vendor's booth at a quilt show. They look great! I bought the pattern with a fabric kit. Please tell me specifically what kind of interfacing you used. Would fusible batting work too?
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