Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Kits are Ready!
These are the kits for teaching at The Country Loft in La Mesa, CA . . . now I can hardly wait to to start my adventure! Go WEST young woman - on the road Friday morning - it's about a 5 1/2 hour drive. Rain is predicted but I am crossing my fingers that it will be just a light sprinkle! I will take lots of photos to share so you all can join me at this wonderful shop!

and this is the first Easter decoration - the rest will have to wait until I get home . . .

xoxx, Renée

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sweet Emma & A Big House and a Cherry Tree

This is Sweet Emma . . . we will be making her at Cotton & Chocolate in Thousand Oaks, CA in June. Her hair was done with a felting needle - so much fun! If only my hair could work that well to tidy up. Though that would be a little more pain than I would want to endure each morning with all that poking!

A Big House and a Cherry Tree
This is the little quilt that we will be making in the other class at Cotton & Chocolate. How cute is that quilt shop's name . . . mmmmm delicious can you think of anything better than that combination?
xoxx, Renée

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Be Mine . . . abundant hearts!

a fun little Wendy Addison heart wreath

putting the chalkboard to good use!

xoxx, Renée

Monday, February 05, 2007

A Wire Skirt

I have been neglecting my blog but this week my goal is to at least post a few photos. I found this little doll in a box of old stuff. She needed to have these blocks for a stand so I drilled holes and then glued little pieces of dowel to connect them. Then came the cute wire skirt - it took a little play to figure that out but I think she looks pretty good now. She is still going to get some charms, tags and a little key added to the wire but too much to do today to work on that.
xoxx, Renée