Thursday, October 25, 2007

First Day of Set Up at Quilt Market . . .

It looks pretty messy right now but there is still one more day to finish up and make it warm and inviting! More tomorrow . . .

xoxx, Renée


Sweet Petunia said...

I am sure it will be lovely when it is all done.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Yup, guess it needs a bit more work!!! :) Have lots of fun! I"ll be wishing I was there!

Dawn D. Sokol said...

It's gonna look great when you're done! Lots of work, that is!


Anonymous said...

Wish I was there with you. My friends from Cotton and Chocolate will be there for me. Your booth is so cute even when it's a work in progress.

Hope you have a very successful week.
