Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A Little Bit of Fall and Finally Feeling Better!
You're invited to visit my brand new blog Mixed Media Play . . . . it is a place to share my playtime - I mean artwork with you. I hope you will stop by soon.

Dan in Real Life was delightful . . . mindless fun entertainment, exactly my favorite kind of movie! I highly recommend it!

My magazine love has taken over my studio/office and family room . . . stacks everywhere trying to sort out the "must keep" from the "donate/recycle". Only two lonely magazines in the "donate/recycle" pile! Any ideas on how to tame my "must keep" mountain?
xoxx, Renée


Mary said...

At my house I keep them all for several years. At that point the oldest ones feel dated and I recycle them.

Then ... about 2 months later, I desparately go looking for some article or pattern that was in one of the ones I threw out.

antique quilter said...

I love that table runner
is it a pattern of yours?
If so what is the name of the pattern.
Kathie who threw out a lot of magazines when I thought we were moving and still kicking myself for doing that....box them up and put them in the basement.

Quilts And Pieces said...

I loved that movie too. And I agree with Kathie - I love your table runner!