A New Washtub
Last Saturday I bought this washtub to use for a rolling file box . . . or maybe it can hold current projects or perhaps it can be for new fabric bundles? hmmmmm - can't decide yet . . . . anyway it was too cute to pass up and it was a pretty good price. It was hard to decide between this one and two others - a really cute green one and another one that had a removable galvanized washtub on a rolling base. I have one like that with two metal tubs on my back patio. It's great for parties as a cooler for water bottles, soda cans or beer packed with ice plus it looks cute! ahhh form and function - very nice! You can see Hailey is catching a few winks and Axel is off chasing lizards in the backyard.
xoxx, Renée
xoxx, Renée