Thursday, January 18, 2007

Meet Rebekah

Drop your name in the bucket (leave a comment) for Rebekah's drawing. Poor dear, she and her little dolly have been locked away in a plastic box for so long and she wants a new home! All you need to do if you want a chance to give her a new nest is leave a comment on my blog. Just put your name, town, state and the word drawing in your comment. (Thank you for the kind comments from yesterday - your names are already in the bucket.) On Sunday evening I will put all the names in a bucket and then have my blindfolded husband (totally random - plus I just want to blindfold him LOL) draw a name and then send Rebekah off to her new home on Monday. Sound fun? I think I was able to change the settings for comments so you don't have to have a blogger acct to leave a comment - at least I hope that works. I will post the winner here - first name and location and send an email to the winner along with a photo of the bucket drawing event. Maybe I can get Jake, my son, to make it a little video - not sure about that but for sure a photo of the blindfolded - BOB!
xoxx, Renée


Patti said...

What a sweet thing for you to do! I'd love to have my name in your bucket. I've made several of your quilts, but none of your dolls yet. I used to make cloth dolls years ago, and have recently started bringing them back out of the attic. I'd be so honored to have a doll made by you!

We met when I took a class from you in Clackamas Oregon several years ago through the Quilting B. I'm sure you don't remember.

Patti Chartrand
Vancouver WA

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Oh, I'd love to have Rebekah! She is my namesake, after all! Plus, she reminds me of my great-grandma whom I was named after! So I must enter! What fun!!
Thank you!!

Rebecca (Becca)
Dayton, Ohio

Maija said...

Drawing!!! I am so in!
Maija Lepore!!

tracy roos said...

Such fun!!! I love the blindfolded hubby thing too. I might just have to come up with a reason to blindfold mine! :)
tracy roos
beaverton, or

Anonymous said...

Oh please add my name.
American Fork, Utah

Anonymous said...

Drawing -

How generous Renee. I'd love to have her come and stay with me. A devoted fan,

Mary F
Naperville, IL

Anonymous said...

Hey Renee....Would love to be in on the drawing. I have some friends for Rebekah already! JAM