Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Country Loft in February
These pictures are courtesy of sweet Michele Murphy . . . I forgot to post any of my photos from my last trip so I will post some of those soon . . .

I had the BEST time with my darling Country Loft friends!

Some of the dolls, a photo album and Michele's beautiful cross stitch!

The Country Loft and everyone that is part of it makes it a very special place . . . I read this quote today over on Pat Sloan's blog and thought how they always make me feel sooooooo welcome in their warm cozy nest!

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

xoxx, Renée

Friday, April 11, 2008

Jingle All the Way

This photo is for an ad in American Quilt Retailer, a great quilt shop trade magazine. The pieced quilt behind Santa will also be in the new booklet. My darling friend, Debbi Mercado, in CA, expertly quilted it for me! Thank you Debbi!
xoxx, Renée

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Shoes
So photos of shoes seem to be popping up all over blogland so I thought it would be a good idea to show you my new shoes since I didn't have another photo to post! Sooooo cute and super comfortable . . . I bought them in Port Townsend , WA last weekend while I was at ArtFest. They were even on sale 25% off - a very good deal!

. . . still working on all those Christmas projects for Jingle All the Way - I should have some more photos to post soon.

For the comment about the number "50" that is stenciled on the Carry It All Tote (Pat No 158) - it is somewhat random. The number "5" has turned up all my life in the best places and the very best ways so it was a natural to stencil the 5 . . . I added the 0 simply because it looked better with two numbers. The brass stencil set I have only has one stencil of each number and they hook together to space them evenly so there you have it - the reason behind the number 50!
xoxx, Renée