Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Country Loft in February
These pictures are courtesy of sweet Michele Murphy . . . I forgot to post any of my photos from my last trip so I will post some of those soon . . .

I had the BEST time with my darling Country Loft friends!

Some of the dolls, a photo album and Michele's beautiful cross stitch!

The Country Loft and everyone that is part of it makes it a very special place . . . I read this quote today over on Pat Sloan's blog and thought how they always make me feel sooooooo welcome in their warm cozy nest!

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

xoxx, Renée


Sweet Petunia said...

Oh I love that quote!

Wendy said...

Love Country Loft and your patterns...I am adding your blog to my favorites...check out my blog at

Maija said...

If I can get some girls together at my house, will you come over and teach a doll class???

Janet said...

Hi Renee: Have been collexcting a lot of your patterns - love them! Sounds like you had to-o-o much fun at The Country Loft - would love to visit thee, but that would definitely be too much of a roadtrip. Will be adding your blog to my favourites to read regularly. Please pop on over and have a look at mine.
Your photographs are fab!
Janet in Nova Scotia, Canada

Anonymous said...

It's always such a pleasure to visit your blog.
