Tag I'm It!

The Rules: Each player of this game starts with "6 weird things about you". Each person who gets tagged needs to write a blog post of their own 6 weird things as well as clearly state this rule. After you state your 6 weird things, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you're tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog for information as to what it means.
aaaahhhh - I was tagged by that cutie, Tracy and then again by darling Charlotte so I get to post SIX WEIRD THINGS about ME . . . hmmm how will I ever pick just SIX? I have been just waiting to have the opportunity to share my weirdness!?! After some pondering here are the top six.
- I never leave home without my own pillow - I won't share a pillow with ANYONE not even BOB - sorry dear! Seems sort of like sharing a toothbrush - eewwwwww!
- I don't like to eat at restaurants if they don't have DIET COKE! Why drink poison if it's not your favorite kind?
- I love EGGO waffles with creamy peanut butter and lots of syrup - mmmmmmmm!
- I am addicted to magazines and books . . . I LOVE them! ok that isn't so weird but I'm still counting it!
- I wouldn't calculate my personal number (as figured from your birthdate) for years because I love the number 5 and was afraid it wouldn't turn out to be 5. Finally when I secretly figured it out it was 5 - YAHOO!
- . . . and still on the numbers thing - I figure out all kinds of odd number patterns like our birthday dates are in order oldest to youngest - Bob on the 1st, Renée the 5th, Travis the 11th, Brett the 20th and Jake the 28th. Now that is WEIRD!
hmmm I tag Maija, Dawn, Lisa, Lelainia and Michelle. I hope you won't mind doing this - sort of a fun thing if you have time . . . and at least there are no hexes or voo doo pokes sent your way if you decide not to!
xoxx, Renée
fascinating! thanks for doing this...xoC
sweets, explain that personal numbers thing....I'm not sure I've ever heard of it. :) ps...nix the diet coke, it's diet pepsi all the way! lol
Renee - thanks for the tag. I never do them on my blog. But I had to respond to some of the things on your list....at our house we put peanut butter on waffles too! i thought everyone did it until i went to college and got weird looks in the cafeteria. we also put peanut butter on bacon. and FIVE! that's my number too! i love to find pattern in numbers (like you). my kids birthdays are 4/8, 8/4, and 8/31 (3+1=4), and my husband and i met in 1984! so no hex on me since i kinda answered, right? :)
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