Friday, March 02, 2007

Back Home . . . and finally a few minutes to share a glimpse of my wonderful weekend in La Mesa, CA for the Country Loft workshops.

This is Kathy at her fabulously decorated home - so inspiring! She is such a darling hostess . . . and makes me feel sooooo welcome. Thank you for being such a sweetheart!

and this is Jo Ann at her wonderful home . . . I got to see her awesome newly finished studio - it is the whole floor upstairs. I decided that even though she has a bed and bathroom in the studio I wouldn't be able to sleep there because there are too many fun inspiring things to stitch or paint or stuff or hook or ? . . . . her whole house is perfectly decorated too! Jo Ann and Kathy are sisters - and both are managers at the Country Loft. How fun would that be to have a sister to work with and share a love for stitching and primitives?

What a lucky girl I am to get to visit them and all the adorable ladies there! Visit the shop along with workshop photos in my new photo album The Country Loft Workshops . Thank you to all the darling girls that were in the workshops, the wonderful Country Loft staff and the very sweet shop owner, Sharon! She gathers the coolest antiques all across the country - drawers, baskets, boxes, cabinets . . . all ready for me to bring home. Thank goodness I figured out it was better to drive . . . so much more room to bring treasures home. Look for a photo of my newest Country Loft treasure soon!
xoxx, Renée

1 comment:

Maija said...

Your trip, and class, look amazing! Is there anyplace local to learn about quilting and doll making?