Saturday, June 28, 2008

Research Findings!

Look here With Thy Needle and Thread for a wonderful new pattern to make use of these little oil cans I found . . . I will be ordering Brenda's pattern today!

I LOVE old brass stencils . . . these were a great find

what a sweet heart pincushion and a cool thread holder with pincushion along with a few other sewing notions - can a quilter have too many of those?

Thank you to those of you who have commented here - it warms my heart that my BAD blogger ways haven't driven you away . . . trying to catch up both on sleep & work - getting back to everyday things. It sure is lots of fun to go to quilting and art retreats but I am really a homebody at heart and it is ALWAYS good to be home in my nest! More photos soon. Also there is a new side bar link to the Liberty Star Etsy Shop where there will be some LS quilts and dolls offered for sale very soon. Etsy is "a place to buy and sell all things handmade". Back soon - xoxx, Renée

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Now this is some kind of record . . . at least it is for me. Three posts in one day - yes count them - THREE!
The lovely shopkeeper, Rita and Me

This is the view into the room where we had our opening last night . . . SEW many BEAUTIFUL samples - wonderful eye candy! More tomorrow . . . so many sweet friends here, old and new. Rita and her great staff do a fabulous job of putting it all together for a really fun weekend.
xoxx, Renée

After my morning class I was off on an adventure to see the Curious Sofa, a shop in Prairie Village, KS for a little afternoon research. Jennifer Keltner's lecture last night gave me the insight that visiting a shop is actually research - so now that is my story and I'm sticking to it!

This is Angie and Beth ready to help you find whatever you need or tally up what you gather during your research - just saying that some of their charms, vintage oil cans & rusty keys along with a few other collectibles will be going home with me!

LOVE these mannequins!
Some girls having fun at Primitives of the Midwest

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On the Road Again . . . I am in Lee's Summit, MO for Primitives of the Midwest. The darling hostess Rita Briner owner of Quilters Station welcomed everyone and then the delightful Jennifer Keltner Senior Editor of American Patchwork & Quilting entertained us sharing stories, many quilts and great ideas.
This is the adorable Jennifer Keltner - what a great speaker! If you ever have the opportunity to hear her speak, run don't walk - you won't want to miss it!

Jennifer showed this snowball quilt made by my friend Julie Hendricksen (JJ Stitches Quilt Shop) that will be in an upcoming AP&Q issue. Julie is a master at making reproduction quilts - the quilt top folded over the quilt is the antique top that she reproduced perfectly.

Tomorrow I will take photos of my class and the shop as well as some quilters. We will be going to Greenwood tomorrow after classes for some antiquing and delicious Italian cuisine! You are definitely going to wish you were here!
xoxx, Renée

Friday, June 06, 2008

Merry Christmas Stocking

This stocking is for a class at The Country Loft on July 25th - and now it is no longer a Christmas Surprise class as shown in the schedule! The stocking will be in the shop next Tuesday afternoon (arriving via UPS) if you want to see it in person. It's a fun & quick Christmas project - I hope some of you will join me to make it!
xoxx, Renée