Thursday, June 26, 2008

Now this is some kind of record . . . at least it is for me. Three posts in one day - yes count them - THREE!
The lovely shopkeeper, Rita and Me

This is the view into the room where we had our opening last night . . . SEW many BEAUTIFUL samples - wonderful eye candy! More tomorrow . . . so many sweet friends here, old and new. Rita and her great staff do a fabulous job of putting it all together for a really fun weekend.
xoxx, Renée


Curious Servant said...

I just happened by.

Looking over your blog I'm reminded of another. She takes a lot of pics, does a lot of sewing and such.

She's nice.

Anyway... didn't want to be a lurker, so I'm saying "Hi."

Libby said...

Oh how I longed to return to Primitives this year - air fare went out of sight before I got a ticket. Next year, for sure *s*

Maija said...

Why aren't you doing all these things at HOME?!?!?