Friday, August 01, 2008

I am combining my two blogs into one and moving to typepad - click here! Please come for a visit sometime soon. There are still things to work on but the basics are finished so today is the day! xoxx, Renée

Saturday, July 05, 2008

I hope you will take a peek . . .

Liberty Star's Etsy Shop is now open! I have listed two little quilts and five dolls . . . and will be adding more original samples from discontinued or soon to be discontinued patterns. We are planning on moving in the next year or so . . . need to whittle away the vast "stuff" I have collected since moving into our house 16 years ago! There will also be some collages, art, jewelry all made by me . . . then some vintage treasures - OH MY . . . it will probably take a year to do it!
xoxx, Renée

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Research Findings!

Look here With Thy Needle and Thread for a wonderful new pattern to make use of these little oil cans I found . . . I will be ordering Brenda's pattern today!

I LOVE old brass stencils . . . these were a great find

what a sweet heart pincushion and a cool thread holder with pincushion along with a few other sewing notions - can a quilter have too many of those?

Thank you to those of you who have commented here - it warms my heart that my BAD blogger ways haven't driven you away . . . trying to catch up both on sleep & work - getting back to everyday things. It sure is lots of fun to go to quilting and art retreats but I am really a homebody at heart and it is ALWAYS good to be home in my nest! More photos soon. Also there is a new side bar link to the Liberty Star Etsy Shop where there will be some LS quilts and dolls offered for sale very soon. Etsy is "a place to buy and sell all things handmade". Back soon - xoxx, Renée

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Now this is some kind of record . . . at least it is for me. Three posts in one day - yes count them - THREE!
The lovely shopkeeper, Rita and Me

This is the view into the room where we had our opening last night . . . SEW many BEAUTIFUL samples - wonderful eye candy! More tomorrow . . . so many sweet friends here, old and new. Rita and her great staff do a fabulous job of putting it all together for a really fun weekend.
xoxx, Renée

After my morning class I was off on an adventure to see the Curious Sofa, a shop in Prairie Village, KS for a little afternoon research. Jennifer Keltner's lecture last night gave me the insight that visiting a shop is actually research - so now that is my story and I'm sticking to it!

This is Angie and Beth ready to help you find whatever you need or tally up what you gather during your research - just saying that some of their charms, vintage oil cans & rusty keys along with a few other collectibles will be going home with me!

LOVE these mannequins!
Some girls having fun at Primitives of the Midwest

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On the Road Again . . . I am in Lee's Summit, MO for Primitives of the Midwest. The darling hostess Rita Briner owner of Quilters Station welcomed everyone and then the delightful Jennifer Keltner Senior Editor of American Patchwork & Quilting entertained us sharing stories, many quilts and great ideas.
This is the adorable Jennifer Keltner - what a great speaker! If you ever have the opportunity to hear her speak, run don't walk - you won't want to miss it!

Jennifer showed this snowball quilt made by my friend Julie Hendricksen (JJ Stitches Quilt Shop) that will be in an upcoming AP&Q issue. Julie is a master at making reproduction quilts - the quilt top folded over the quilt is the antique top that she reproduced perfectly.

Tomorrow I will take photos of my class and the shop as well as some quilters. We will be going to Greenwood tomorrow after classes for some antiquing and delicious Italian cuisine! You are definitely going to wish you were here!
xoxx, Renée

Friday, June 06, 2008

Merry Christmas Stocking

This stocking is for a class at The Country Loft on July 25th - and now it is no longer a Christmas Surprise class as shown in the schedule! The stocking will be in the shop next Tuesday afternoon (arriving via UPS) if you want to see it in person. It's a fun & quick Christmas project - I hope some of you will join me to make it!
xoxx, Renée

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another booth photo . . . I had to share this one with the purple aisle carpet of the show. Just saying . . . even if you love purple it doesn't seem to be a color that blends with very many of the booths. It was particularly unflattering to my booth - even though I do find this photo quite amusing and I didn't really notice it much during the show!

I am working on a new website with the help of my genius son, Jake - well I guess I should say Jake is working on a new website for Liberty Star with my design input. The plan is that I will be able to update it myself with some fun additions - tips & tricks, tutorials & corrections. He says it should be similar to blogging - that should make it much easier for me!

I will be back soon . . . visit my other blog if you have time and any interest in mixed media collage type artwork. xoxx, Renée

Friday, May 16, 2008

to market, to market in Portland Oregon

Friday, May 09, 2008

The cover is done!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

New Handbag Patterns

These are new patterns for quilt market next week . . . along with the new booklet, Jingle All The Way. I will post the front and back cover of it tomorrow. Still lots and lots and lots to wrap up before I leave for Portland, OR next week. Quilt Market is always exciting and fun though it takes a lot of preparation and hard work to get ready! I keep thinking I will try to get things done earlier - that hasn't happened yet . . . maybe I will start working on Fall Market projects in June!
xoxx, Renée

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Country Loft in February
These pictures are courtesy of sweet Michele Murphy . . . I forgot to post any of my photos from my last trip so I will post some of those soon . . .

I had the BEST time with my darling Country Loft friends!

Some of the dolls, a photo album and Michele's beautiful cross stitch!

The Country Loft and everyone that is part of it makes it a very special place . . . I read this quote today over on Pat Sloan's blog and thought how they always make me feel sooooooo welcome in their warm cozy nest!

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

xoxx, Renée

Friday, April 11, 2008

Jingle All the Way

This photo is for an ad in American Quilt Retailer, a great quilt shop trade magazine. The pieced quilt behind Santa will also be in the new booklet. My darling friend, Debbi Mercado, in CA, expertly quilted it for me! Thank you Debbi!
xoxx, Renée

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Shoes
So photos of shoes seem to be popping up all over blogland so I thought it would be a good idea to show you my new shoes since I didn't have another photo to post! Sooooo cute and super comfortable . . . I bought them in Port Townsend , WA last weekend while I was at ArtFest. They were even on sale 25% off - a very good deal!

. . . still working on all those Christmas projects for Jingle All the Way - I should have some more photos to post soon.

For the comment about the number "50" that is stenciled on the Carry It All Tote (Pat No 158) - it is somewhat random. The number "5" has turned up all my life in the best places and the very best ways so it was a natural to stencil the 5 . . . I added the 0 simply because it looked better with two numbers. The brass stencil set I have only has one stencil of each number and they hook together to space them evenly so there you have it - the reason behind the number 50!
xoxx, Renée

Thursday, March 27, 2008

more Jingle All The Way
This is a wool appliqué wall quilt that will be in the new booklet . . . the tree skirt (a photo coming soon) has the same Santa and Sleigh with five Reindeer. Thank you for the nice comments on Santa.
xoxx, Renée

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jingle All The Way . . .
This Santa is fun & easy to make . . . I think I will make several - he is made from just one red plaid fat quarter, a few scraps and some doll making supplies.  It does seem a little bit odd to be sewing Christmas projects in the beautiful Spring weather we are having here but I do think it is the best time to introduce Christmas designs at Spring Quilt Market. I even set up a few Christmas trees to put me in the right Holiday mood . . . and try out the tree skirt. Tomorrow I should have another project to share.
xoxx, Renée

Saturday, March 15, 2008

putting the Easter decorations away . . .

Thank you to those of you that are still visiting my blog (and BTW thank you for the very sweet comments) . . . I know the posting has been sparse lately but I have been working on projects for a new booklet, Jingle All The Way. I will be introducing it at Spring market in mid May along with two new bag patterns. In the next few days I will post some photos of the progress - please come back for a peek!
xoxx, Renée

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

rabbit under glass

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Some of my rabbit friends . . .
a little more Easter

Lots of sewing around here . . . even though it is close to Easter I am working on Christmas projects for Spring Quilt Market. That almost sounds like an oxymoron - don't you think?
xoxx, Renée

Monday, March 10, 2008

a little bit of Easter . . .

One of my sweet friends from the Country Loft, Michele, inspired me to make this little pillow pin cushion from a cross stitch I had done several years ago. I never knew what to do with it and after I saw some of her wonderful pillow pincushions I decided to make this one when I happened on to it last week. I should do more Spring cleaning and perhaps I might find some more forgotten unfinished projects.
xoxx, Renée

Thursday, February 21, 2008

CA here I come!
The kits are ready along with all the supplies . . . my bags are packed so early tomorrow morning I will start my adventure to the Country Loft. I can't wait to see all my darling friends and make some new ones. It is sure to be a fun weekend of stitching and laughing. It's about a 5 1/2 hour drive and I am planning on using my cruise control to stay right at the speed limit. I probably couldn't be lucky enough to just get a warning this time. I will take lots of pictures and share those when I get back home.
xoxx, Renée

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Millie & her Heart Make-Do

Vintage Photo Album

These projects are for two workshops I will be teaching in La Mesa, CA at The Country Loft Feb. 22 & 23. Now back to inventory and then the projects for Primitives of the Midwest in June need to be finished up.
xoxx, Renée